Executive |
Elected |
Non-Executive |
Elected |
President |
Aidan Pimm |
Fixture Secretaries |
David Coster & Peter Lockley |
Chair |
Matt Larkins |
Team Secretary |
Ed Shaw |
Secretary |
Vacant |
Junior Member Secretary |
Mark Vaughan |
Treasurer |
Suzi Chalk |
Media Manager |
Vacant |
Head of Cricket |
David Coster |
Web Master |
Dan Webb |
Head of Junior Cricket |
Vacant |
Sponsorship Manager |
Vacant |
Clubmark and GDPR Officer |
Phil Owen |
100 Club Officer |
Rachel Dickinson |
Pavilion Manager |
Vacant |
Saturday 1st XI Captain |
Matt Smalley-Harris |
Social Secretary |
Vacant |
Saturday 2nd XI Captain |
Daniel Hobbs |
Club Safeguarding Officer |
Suzi Chalk |
Saturday 3rd XI Captain |
David Harley |
Bar Manager |
Ed Shaw |
Sunday League XI Captain |
Sam Pimm |
Parent Member |
David Harley |
Sunday Friendly XI Captain |
Matt Campbell |
Ground Manager |
Martin Cope |
The management of the Club is entrusted to the Committee who are elected at the club’s Annual General Meeting, held soon after each season ends. The Club Constitution details how the Committee is formed and how it conducts the club’s business. Much of this activity is conducted by Sub Committees, who meet outside of the monthly full committee meetings, keeping separate minutes and reporting back to the full committee.
Sub Committees are: Finance; Cricket; Social; Facility
The Committee comprises of the following officers whose duties are outlined below:
Executive Members:
- President, who shall preside over all Club meetings.
Chairman, who shall preside over meetings of the Club in the absence of the President.
Secretary, who shall receive and transmit all correspondence, and summon all meetings.
Treasurer, who shall receive all moneys and pay all accounts on behalf of the Club. He/She shall submit an audited Balance Sheet to the AGM, or as required by the committee.
Head Of Cricket, who shall be responsible for adult cricket, and liaising between the cricket sub committee and the main club committee on cricket matters.
Head of Junior Cricket, who shall be responsible for all junior cricket.
Clubmark Officer, who shall be responsible for maintaining Clubmark status for the club.
Pavilion Manager, who shall be responsible for maintaining the Pavilion in a good state of repair and managing longterm tenants.
Social Secretary, who shall arrange annual events and ad-hoc social / fundraising events.
Club Safeguarding Officer, who shall hold the necessary certification to ensure that BCC is in compliance with ECB’s Safe Hands policy
- Bar Manager, who shall be responsible for stocking and staffing the bar, and arranging function hire enquiries
- Parent Member, who shall be responsible for liaison between junior parents and the committee.
- Ground Manager, who shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all playing surfaces.
Non-Executive Members
Fixtures Secretary, who shall arrange all fixtures on behalf of the Club.
Team Secretary, who shall be responsible for a fair selection of each team and a contact point for all playing members.
Junior Membership Secretary, who shall be responsible for maintaining contact and details with Junior members and their parents
Media Manager, who shall maintain the profile of the club with the local media. .
Webmaster, who shall keep the club website structured correctly and up to date
Sponsorship Manager, who shall manage the process of finding and establishing sponsor relationships
100 club Officer, who shall be responsible for the efficient running of the 100 club.
The Captain of each team who shall be responsible for selection of their team and completion of all activities required on match days.