Boxmoor Cricket Club - Code of Conduct for Parents

Code of Conduct for Parents

1) Encourage your child to know the Laws of Cricket and play within them. They should also understand the ’Spirit of Cricket’. Ensure that they always play fairly and never argue with officials. 

2) Acknowledge good performances by both teams. Parents and players should be gracious in victory and accept defeat sensibly and with dignity. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.

3) All language used should be appropriate to the situation. Children learn best by example, all adults should be a positive role model.

4) Never force your child to play or openly criticise their performance.
5) If your child is taking any medication or has an illness that will affect their ability to participate let the coach know. 

6) Take responsibility for organising your child’s transport to away fixtures.
7) When selected for a match, ensure your child arrives by the stated time. If there is a problem let the manager know as soon as possible. 
8) If you notice other adults, other than parents, hanging around the teams you should identify them to the Child Welfare Officer.
9) Support your coaches and never attempt to coach or move a fielder during play.
10) Parents should be aware of the club’s photography policy and be aware of the changing and showering policy.
11) Consider if you can assist the club with a volunteering role e.g. bar, teas, scoring, umpiring etc. Remember all the coaches and managers are volunteers. 

12) Club officials reserve the right to speak to and where necessary take appropriate sanctions if parents do not comply with the above.

13) If you have any concerns about the coaches, team selection or the general running of a side make an appointment to discuss in private with the Junior Cricket Manager


Bi-Annual Review Conducted August 2018