Boxmoor Cricket Club News story

Boxmoor CC - January Update

08 Jan 2021

Good afternoon all,

With the new year underway, we wanted to reach out and provide an update on the current situation at Boxmoor CC. Back in early December, the club held its first ever virtual AGM, which by no means was ideal but with all things considered ran smoothly and successfully. The central aim of the meeting was to finalize election of the committee. It’s no hidden secret that a lot of the clubs success and growth over the years has been down to the fantastic effort and time that Boxmoor members have given to the club. With that being said, we still have a number of vacant roles for 2021 so if you fancy getting involved or know someone who does, please do get in touch. A list of the vacant roles can be found on the website.

The good news is despite current covid-19 restrictions, the league have been persistent in approaching the 2021 season with a positive view and hopefully, all being well, we should be able to get through the best of the season unaffected. It is of course still very early and as we have learnt nothing can be predicted but the league have released an update around expected format of play, start times and other logistics which can all be found under the following link:

As we begin thinking about playing cricket again, it’s important we recognize the benefits of recruitment and good player availability. Over the years, Boxmoor has had the luxury of being a club that players take pride in and want to play for. Following recent promotions for all 3 teams, it is important that we continue to grow both the player and social memberships in order to keep pushing our success on the field. Please continue to bear in mind player recruitment and if you know of anyone interested in joining, please provide them with a link to the website and put them in touch with Stan Harper (Team Secretary), Any of our captains (Sam Pimm, Anum Hamdani, Lee Rance, David Harley) or Nick Cottrell (Head of Cricket).

All the best,

Boxmoor CC