Boxmoor Cricket Club News story

Senior nets restart & match availability

27 Jul 2020

Evening everyone

We are restarting senior nets this week and these sessions will be every Wednesday from 6pm until it gets too cold and dark in mid/late September. Coach Simon Stevens, who we used last year, isn't currently available so our sessions will be nets based with some optional fielding drills. 

Covid-19 good practice rules:

* Social distancing should be observed throughout the session but both lanes in the nets can be safely used

* Players should bring their own cricket ball

* Cricket balls and other equipment should not be shared

* The pavilion will be shut for these sessions and if any equipment is used from the clubhouse (e.g. springback stumps) this equipment must be wiped down and sanitised after use

* Players should sanitise their hands before and after the session

* Maximum attendance is 30. We will police attendance but previous years have seen usual attendance at nets top out at approx.16 members, so hopefully this won't present an issue


Playing availability has been very good this season so far and we are arranging additional friendly fixtures to try to give everyone a game (with thanks to Peter Lockley, our fixtures secretary). Thank you to everyone who has played and supported the club on match days; please do continue to update your availability via the website and hopefully we can use this shortened season as a springboard into a successful 2021.


best wishes
