Boxmoor Cricket Club - Policy for Photography and Video

Photography and Video Camera Policy

Boxmoor CC wishes to ensure that photography and video footage used within cricket is undertaken appropriately and is committed to ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to protect young people from inappropriate use of their images in resources and media publications, on the Internet and elsewhere. Most images or recorded images using a camera, digital camera, video recorder, mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistant devices (PDA) are appropriate and taken in good faith. Boxmoor CC does not wish to prevent the taking of pictures, or filming of children. This is normal practice and helps mark milestones in a child’s life. The use of recorded image can also be valuable coaching aid.

Potential Risks

  • Photographic and recorded images can be used as a means of identifying young people if accompanied by personal information. This has the potential to make a young person vulnerable to individuals seeking to ‘groom’ young people for abuse;
  •  Images may lead to the identification of children in inappropriate circumstances which include:
    • Where a child has been removed from his/her family for their own safety;
    •  Where restrictions on contact with one parent following a parental separation exist e.g. in domestic violence cases;
    •  In situations where a child may be a witness in criminal proceedings;
    •  Additionally, images can be used or adapted for inappropriate use. There is evidence of adapted sporting images being used on websites displaying images of child abuse.


Everyone associated with and/or participating in Boxmoor CC events must act in accordance with the general principles in the ECB Safe Hands Policy and the principles set out in this policy for taking and use of photographic and recorded images of young people.

  1. Photographs/images are not to be taken at festivals/events/activities without the prior permission of the parents/carers of the children. Boxmoor CC will seek consent from the parent/guardian and child and where schools are involved this may be via the school. Wherever possible these images should be shown to the school/parents and child in advance of use/publication.
  2.  Photographs/images are not to be published with the names of children unless specific parental consent has been obtained.
  3.  Where children have been named in publication/media their image shall not be used unless consented as in 2 above.
  4.  All images shall be of children in appropriate kit (training or competition) to reduce the risk of inappropriate use and to provide positive images of the children.
  5.  Boxmoor CC will keep a record of photographers taking or recording images at festivals/tournaments and events.
  6.  All photographers should ensure that images are securely stored to avoid inappropriate use.
  7.  Children shall be informed by Boxmoor CC/the competition organiser that a person will be taking/recording images.
  8.  Where images are used for coaching purposes, players and their parents/carers should be made aware that this is part of the coaching programme and be clear of the purpose of filming as a coaching aid.
  9.  Boxmoor CC strongly promotes the reporting of inappropriate use of images of children. All concerns should be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer or County Safeguarding Officer – Julie Page, 07741 272751

Photographers Guidance

  1. All photographers or those intending to take images during a game or practice should advise Boxmoor CC/the competition organiser and complete the Photography/Video Register. By signing this they agree to and adopt the principles laid out in this policy and the ECB Safe Hands Policy.
  2. All photographs images to be used for publication, whether printed or electronic should be reported to the school, parent/carer of children involved and/or Boxmoor CC/the competition organiser.
  3. All photographers should ensure that images are securely stored to avoid inappropriate use.


Bi-Annual Review Conducted March 2024