Boxmoor Cricket Club News story

Action Required: Play-Cricket

04 Oct 2023

From the 2024 season all players must be registered on Play-Cricket to play in league cricket under new ECB rules.

As a club we have been inputting our scorecards on here in recent seasons and have seen many players register to view their stats - so thank you if you have already.

If though you've not signed up, please follow these steps to help us prior to the 2024 season - it should only take a few minutes of your time. You can sign up as a player, or as a parent if your child plays.

But that's not all!

As a club we would like to migrate our known history to Play-Cricket so everybody can view all the stats in one place - this would also potentially allow us to only have 1 website (instead of 2, confusing right?) which could save the club money each year.

To do this though we will need some help.

We need a group of volunteers who would be willing to copy scorecards from the existing website to Play-Cricket as sadly there is no automatic way to do this. If we could get just 15 people to help do just 2 games a week, we would get all the senior games input well before a ball is bowled in a match again in 2024. Inputting a game is likely to take up to 15 minutes.

If you can help or would like more information, then please contact Aaron Hinton. He will co-ordinate and let people know which games to do and crucially how to do it with a detailed step by step guide/demo.